Holcim's Acquisitions in 2005
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Case Details:
Case Code : BSTR168 Case Length : 12 Pages Period : 1999-05 Organization : MG Rover Pub Date : 2005 Teaching Note : Available Countries : Global Industry : Mobile Phone
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Acquiring AI
About AI
In 2003, AI produced 66.4 million tonnes of aggregates, 11.8 million tonnes of
asphalt, 7.0 million cubic metres of ready-mix concrete and 3.7 million tonnes
of pre-cast concrete products. With operations in UK, US, Norway and Channel
Islands, the company employed over 8,600 people working in more than 650
locations by the end of 2003. Half of the company's revenues came from the US.
In 2003, AI's revenues increased to £1,459 million from £1,378.2 million in
2002. The company reported a seventh successive year of profit with profit
before tax increasing to £140.1 million in 2003 from £134.5 million in 2002...

Acquiring ACC
Background of the Deal
The cement industry in India was so highly fragmented that even in 2004, the 146.38 MT of installed capacity under large plants category was controlled by as many as 55 companies. With an installed capacity of approximately 150 MT in 2005, the Indian cement industry in 2004-05 was the second largest cement producer in the world accounting for approximately 6% of the global production...
Not only did the deals with AI and ACC result in Holcim's entry into the two attractive markets of UK and India, but it also brought in immediate revenues to Holcim. The two acquisitions helped Holcim to achieve increased capacity and sales in all the product and geographic segments (Refer Exhibit XI)...
Exhibit I: Performance Parameters of Holcim between
2001 and 2004 Exhibit II: Balancing the Portfolio Exhibit III: The Indian Attractiveness Exhibit IV: Revenue Generation from the Various Operating Segments at
Holcim Exhibit V: Revenue Generation Region-Wise at Holcim Exhibit VI: Shareholding Structure among ACIL, ACC, ACEL, GACL, FIs,
FIIs etc. Exhibit VII: Performance Parameters of ACC between 2001-02 and 2003-04 Exhibit VIII: Shareholding Structure among ACC, ACIL, GACL and Holcim
after the Deal |